Survey Highlights Growing Preference for Bank Deposits

A recent survey by the National Bank of Kazakhstan reveals that nearly 50% of citizens now save their money in bank deposits, reflecting a growing trust in the banking system, reported Kazinform.

While 25% of respondents still prefer cash savings, only 8% invest in real estate. However, when considering the best ways to grow wealth, 30% prioritized real estate investments, an equal proportion chose bank deposits, and 16% leaned toward cash savings.
The survey also highlighted that over half of the participants have no loans. Among those who do, 18% hold consumer loans, while 4% each have mortgage and car loans.

By December 2024, consumer loans to citizens totaled 1.6 trillion tenge (US$3 billion), mortgage loans reached 6.5 trillion tenge (US$12.3 billion), and car loans amounted to 194 billion tenge (US$367.3 million).

These findings underscore evolving financial habits in Kazakhstan, with increasing reliance on formal savings methods and a cautious approach to borrowing.

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Главный редактор: Мадина Жатканбаева

+7 777 471 71 40

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