Kazakhstan's annual river flow has decreased by 12.5 cubic kilometers since 1960, according to reports from the Water Ministry

The average annual river runoff in Kazakhstan has decreased by 12.5 cubic kilometers since 1960, said Kazakh Deputy Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Bolat Bekniyaz during a Sept. 30 meeting of the coordinating council of partners on the development of Kazakhstan’s water sector.

According to Kazinform, 72% of this decline, equating to nine cubic kilometers, is attributed to local rivers, while transboundary rivers account for a decrease of 3.5 cubic kilometers.

“The reduction in the local rivers’ runoff has been recorded in all basins except for the Balkhash-Alakol and Tobyl-Torgai basins,” said Bekniyaz.

Kazakhstan is heavily dependent on transboundary waters. The Aral-Syrdarya basin, which borders Uzbekistan, is in critical condition due to a decline in water level of 10.2 cubic kilometers, or 38%. The water volume in the Shu-Talas basin has decreased by 32% or 1.3 cubic kilometers.

“The most vulnerable basins are the Aral-Syrdarya, Shu-Talas and Zhaiyk-Caspian basins,” he said.(Source:astanatimes)

As stated by Bekniyaz, the ministry is implementing various measures to avert potential water scarcity. These include the reconstruction of water infrastructure, the adoption of a new Water Code, the enhancement of international cooperation, and the implementation of water-saving technologies.


Главный редактор: Мадина Жатканбаева

+7 777 471 71 40


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