Kazakhstan Recovers $824.4 Million in Illegally Withdrawn Assets in 2024

Kazakhstan successfully recovered 428.7 billion tenge (US$824.4 million) in illegally withdrawn assets in 2024, announced Prosecutor General Berik Asylov at a meeting on Jan. 24.

As part of efforts to address financial crimes, the country launched 15 social and investment projects worth over 48 billion tenge ($92.3 million). Judicial proceedings were initiated to recover unexplained assets, resulting in $10 million secured through court decisions.

Additionally, 565 investors, contributing ten trillion tenge ($19.2 billion) to the economy, were supported. The protection of constitutional rights for 3.5 million citizens and the collection of 4.6 billion tenge ($8.8 million) in alimony for 23,000 children were notable achievements.

The crime rate in Kazakhstan dropped by 5.3% in 2024, while incidents of torture were reduced by 54%. The country also enhanced international cooperation, signing nine treaties and facilitating the extradition of 67 individuals from various countries.

Photo credit: depositphotos.com


Главный редактор: Мадина Жатканбаева

+7 777 471 71 40


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