Deputy Prime Minister's press secretary Aliya Rakhimova pushed journalist Madina Zhatkanbayeva and threatened her after uncomfortable questions
The incident occurred today after a press conference in the Majilis of the Parliament.
The journalist tried to ask clarifying questions to Deputy Prime Minister Serik Zhumangarin, but the press secretary of the Vice-Minister behaved rudely and pushed the journalist and began to threaten her, saying that she would “complain everywhere”. The cameraman was also banned from filming. In addition, Rakhimova told the journalist, “The Majilis will deal with you,” which could be considered an attempt at intimidation.
Journalist Madina Zhatkanbayeva said, “I was just doing my job and wanted an answer to an important question. But instead of normal communication, I faced aggression and threats.
This case is a cause for concern, as such behavior on the part of government officials looks like pressure on the press. The incident occurred after the journalist asked uncomfortable questions, which apparently did not please the press officer. The reaction from the Ministry of Information was not long in coming, but not in favor of the journalist.
Главный редактор: Мадина Жатканбаева
+7 777 471 71 40
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