Kazakhstan Shortlists Four Global Firms for Nuclear Power Plant Construction

Kazakhstan has selected four global nuclear energy leaders for the construction of its future nuclear power plant (NPP), according to Jibek Joly TV on Jan. 22. The shortlisted companies include China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co. (KHNP), Russia’s Rosatom, and Électricité de France (EDF). These firms are known for their expertise in water-cooled reactor technology, which Kazakhstan plans to adopt, and have a strong presence in markets like India, Türkiye, and the UAE.

Selection Criteria and Next Steps
The selection prioritizes extensive experience, advanced technology, and safety standards, aligning with national interests, international norms, and IAEA recommendations. A final decision on the supplier or consortium will be announced soon.

Investment in Energy Modernization
Kazakhstan is also modernizing its energy sector with a 13.5 trillion tenge ($25.5 billion) plan by 2029. This initiative aims to address aging infrastructure, rising demand, and tariff challenges, including:

  • Overhauling 80,000 kilometers of networks.
  • Enhancing energy efficiency.
  • Gradually transitioning to market-based pricing.

“These are reactors with two water cooling circuits. These are the safest reactors. (…) Nevertheless, the intrigue remains, and I think this is not bad. Because I have always said that it is important for us to negotiate the best possible price for Kazakhstan with future vendors,” said Agafonov.

Photo credit: istock


Главный редактор: Мадина Жатканбаева

+7 777 471 71 40


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