For the first time, Kazakhstan hosts Leonardo da Vinci's La Bella Principessa

Впервые в Казахстане принимает La Bella Principessa Леонардо да Винчи.

Leonardo da Vinci’s La Bella Principessa has settled into its temporary new home at the National Museum of Kazakhstan for the first time in the country, where the masterpiece will be on display for the next two months from June 7 till Aug. 4.

Leonardo da Vinci's genius is epitomized in his portrait of La Bella Principessa, depicting a young woman from the Italian aristocracy, painted towards the end of the 15th century. Long considered a lost masterpiece, La Bella Principessa remains one of his most enigmatic works, with critics interpreting it differently; some perceive a lack of vitality in the woman's gaze, while others discern a sense of superiority and excellence.

Marco Alberti, the ambassador of Italy in Kazakhstan, emphasized that the exhibition's true significance lies in the cultural dialogue it promotes.

“Why the need for this exhibition? The answer is that we wanted to present you today something extraordinary, unusual, unique. In the context of promoting culture, which we consider fundamental and very significant between our countries. Culture creates a dialogue, it creates business and promotion between countries, communication between them,” said Alberti.

“We chose Leonardo because he represents futurism, that is, the future. Modernity is not just innovation, it is innovation that changes the world. It’s something joint, a combination of tradition and innovation,” he added.(Source:astanatimes)


Главный редактор: Мадина Жатканбаева

+7 777 471 71 40

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