Kazakhstan's Ecology Ministry Launches Interactive Map of Natural Resources

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Kazakhstan has introduced an interactive map of natural resources, accessible on the Tabigat.gov.kz website, announced Deputy Minister Nurlan Kurmalayev at a Dec. 10 briefing.

The map provides uniform access to data on environmental protection and natural resources, and is designed to support ecotourism. All natural sites featured on the map are integrated into a popular online map service, enabling users to plan their trips by accessing relevant information.

A notable feature of the map is its use of space monitoring to track spontaneous dumping, illegal deforestation, and heat spots on state forest lands. The monitoring system covers 46 high-priority zones, including major cities and densely populated areas.

“This is a geographic information platform that provides information on the environmental situation and natural resources of our country, tied to a geographic context. Users have access to information on historical pollution and environmental stress, solid waste collection and recycling points, as well as geographic data on natural resource objects: surface waters; specially protected natural areas; recreational areas; habitats and migration routes of wildlife; as well as hunting grounds,” said Kurmalayev.


Главный редактор: Мадина Жатканбаева

+7 777 471 71 40


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