Kazakhstan Issues Neo Nomad Visas to Five Foreign Nationals

Kazakhstan has granted the Neo Nomad Visa to five additional foreign citizens, including three from the United States, one from the United Kingdom, and one from Latvia, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports reported on March 11.

The Neo Nomad Visa permits qualified professionals to reside in Kazakhstan for up to one year while working remotely for foreign employers. Eligibility criteria include a stable monthly income of at least $3,000, valid health insurance, and a certificate of no criminal record.

Targeting specialists in IT, marketing, finance, design, and consulting, the visa program aims to attract international talent seeking to combine professional activity with travel.

Previously, three foreign nationals had obtained the Neo Nomad Visa. The first recipient was a U.K. citizen employed in the energy sector, followed by citizens of South Korea and Singapore.

In a recent statement to The Astana Times, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Sports Yerzhan Yerkinbayev expressed confidence that Kazakhstan could become a preferred destination for remote-working professionals globally.


Главный редактор: Мадина Жатканбаева

+7 777 471 71 40


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